May 23rd 2009
AAAHHH we are Pregnant!!.... We didnt expect it to happen so soon!. My husband got home on the 11th of May the day i O'd so it was PERFECT timing hehe .... i am 3 weeks and 6 days along ( counting from my LMP) my first doc appointment will me on June 3rd right before we leave to go and visit my in laws in the states.
June 3rd
We got to see our lil peanut. the sac is about 0.65cm big and the little white spot is our baby . I am 5 weeks and 2 days along Everything looks great they did Blood work and all the normal Pregnancy stuff. Feeling like poop the morning sickness is awful taking my daily prenatal vitamins doesnt help either ( those pills r huge and stink *yuck) My next appointment is July 6th
July 6th
i am now 10 weeks along and the baby is doing GREAT (pic in sono area). We were kind of scared that our peanut would have anencephaly like kaitlyn but it doesnt YAY the head is developed right on target the doc could even check the scull we r SO relieved. The baby is 3,32 cm big my morning sickness is still driving me INSANE... the doc asked me if i want the early screenings for down syndrom trisomie 18 ect he said i could do it wither at week 12 or weeks 20. but I refused all early screenings. We do have a higher chance for a baby with a disability ( due to the fact that we already have a daughter with a handycap that passed away). DH and i said that there is NO WAY we would abort the baby if it has down syndrom ... god made our baby the way its supposed to be. we do have the screening at week 20 but of course NOT to end the pregnancy just in case the baby has DS jus so we can prepair ourself for a baby wth special needs
July 31st. at the ER
We went to the U.S ARMY Hospital today i didn't feel good at all my blood pressure was low and i just wanted to make sure our lil peanut is doing OK. We heard the Heart beat for the VERY FIRST TIME it was so exciting. We also got to see our lil peanut again ( i love ultrasounds <3 )
August 10th
i am 15 weeks along the morning sickness is FINALLY going away. I gained a total of 2.8 lbs so far ( i expected it to be more but i dont complain lol. we were hoping to find out the sex but the baby wasnt really cooperative lol maybe next appointment on Sept. 7th:)
Update 27th of August
I havent updated in a while. I started to feel the baby beginning of week 16 now we r waiting for the Hubby to be able to feel it from the outside my symptoms r ... nausea, headaches and "growing" pain. I have sleeping issues and cant sleep for crap i do have unisom here at home but i dont wanna take anything im scared it could harm the baby. Ill ask my Doc what i could do to get at least a lil bit of sleep cuz i need all my energy to entertain my 4 year old lol. My BB's started leaking beginning this week what freaked me out because i didnt expect it that soon with DD1 it didnt start before i was 36 weeks along. My BB's are also really sore and hot and really sensitive to touch ( in a bad way). i have cramping every now and then but i guess thats from my growing womb. i am at 126lbs now that means i gained a total of almost 3 lbs this pregnancy so far. i hope to stick closer to the 15 lbs then to the 25 ( my OBGYN said it would be totaly fine to gain anything between 15 and 25lbs)
Update 29th of August
YAY the hubby felt our lil peanut kicking for the very first time!. he was amazed and it was so good to see his eyes sparkle whenever he felt our lil miracle kick . it was this morning we both were still in bed i snuggled up to him had my belly pressed to his hips and THERE it was it was a pretty strong kick too he loves to be able to feel the baby it makes him feel so much closer to our lil peanut.
September 3rd 2009
The baby is kicking my butt today lol. its has been really active the last couple of days and i really dont complain i love to be able to feel the baby.
yesterday i worried a lil bit because the lil one wasnt as active as it was the last week... so i sat there drinking LOTS of orange juice ( it made me sick lol) and sat down and waited for the lil one to kick... nothing happened for hours and i got really nervous. i started then talking to the baby and so did DH and FINALLY the baby kicked ... what a relieve.... i know i worry to much but thats just the way i am i cant stop worrying. next monday is the next babys appointment and i hope the doc will do another Ultrasound that would be GREAT.
we just got back from our 19 weeks check up we found out we r having a little baby girl =D
he said to wait with the pink clothes ect.... until we went to my special screening ( which is on the 24th this month) but that he is pretty sure that we r having a baby GIRL. (95% he said hehe)
She is 20 cm long ( head to toe) and weigh 286g shes a really active little girl. we saw her drink the amniotic fluid, wave and suck her thumb it was amazing!.
on the 24th of sept. we will have to drive to Trier again because i am high risk for a baby with birth deformities since we had already a daughter with an anencephalus so they watch us a little more closely. i cant wait for this appointment. ill FINALLY be able to enjoy the pregnancy and stop worrying about the baby being healthy or not!.
this pregnany is a blessing for me and my husband and i think we really deserve a happy and healthy baby after everything we have been thru. ill keep you all updated on the outcome of the special screening.
Tom and i just got back from our BIG ultrasound and everything is PERFECT ... AND we r having another little baby GIRL her name is Haileigh Marie ull find pictures at the sono area
she is 24 cm long and weigh over 400grams. we watched her swallow and she had her little hand up in front of her face. she didnt like that the doctor was pushing on mommys belly and always moved away it was amazing, other that i almost passed out ( even tho i was laying on my back)
october 5th 2009
october 3rd was our babyshower and it was quite rough on me... i was totally exhausted lol.... i am easier stressed out and cry a lot ( stupid hormones) hailey is doing very good. shes moving a lot and her kicks r getting stronger and stronger. i will update and post everything about the babyshower in my blog and picture gallery. i gained 11 lbs so far UGH dont really like it but my book says "You are 1 pounds under the lower end of of your target weight range" so i guess i am doing fine!. ill watch my sugar intake now and start ( TRY) to eat more healthy ... but that isnt really that easy for me lol
6th of October 2009
Today was my first appointment in landstuhl, i wasnt happy about it at all at first becaue i heard so much bad stuff about the hospital staff and i had some bad experience myself ( with the ER)
but when i got there i was surpeised on how nice the OB/GYN ladies were .... after i filled out the paper the nurse called me and took my BP and my weigh ( i gained 11 pounds so far ) lol well after that she took my history and went thru the paperwork with me. i aksed her right away if i get to see the high risk doc ( i was worried they wouldnt consider me high risk and i wouldnt get any ultrasounds anymore this pregnancy) but she said she is going to talk to the hish risk doc and that the doc is gonna call me as soon as possible. he asked me about the pain i have and i told her that it feels like hailey is kicking my cervix and that i think that i have a bladder infection. She told me to go up to labor and delivery just to make sure iam not having contractions.
so up i went to L&D they hooked me up to the machine and it seemed that i had Braxton hick contractions ( sp?) the doc checked on me and also checked my cervix ... its closed and 4 cm long so nothing to worry about.
ALSO we picked up hailey pack 'n' play and set it up in our bed room everything seems to be prepared for hailey and its still 16 weeks and 6 days till shes due hehe
10th of oct. 2009
i went toL&D with my hubby cuz i was totally dehydrated and had contractions. they hooked me up to the maschine and an IV did blood work and checked my Urine... the contractions stopped THANK GOD and didnt effect my cervix the baby had a strong heart beat (148BPM)
14th of october 2009
i just got back from my check up and everything looks find she meassured my belly and on the 20th ill have my next ultrasound / glucouse test AND more bloodwork they r also gonna check my cervix again. i am really excited about the ultrasound the last time we saw little miss H was at 22 weeks
October 20th 2009
i am NOT considered high risk anymore that makes me REALLY happy!!!!!!!
i just got back from my 25 weeks appointment (incl ultrasound) i got to talk to my high risk for for the first time and we talked alot about Kaitlyn and how the pregnancy with her was ect.... THEN she took AWESOME pics of our little peanut Hailey and MAN she has grown she is PERFECTLY healthy hailey is 31 cm long (almost 13 inches) and almost 800 gramm = 1.7 lbs( she almost doubled her weight since the last ultrasound at 22 weeks) my WTE says she should be 2 pounds already but the doc didnt mention anything about the weight so i am not too worry about it besides that hailey still has 15 weeks to gain weight here some pictures of our lil one
December 1st
WOW i am slacking on updating ... sorry girls
well alot has happened since i last posted. i have been to the hospital a couple of times ( i lost track on how many times i ACTUALLY went to landstuhl) i am having lots of contractions ( not just Braxton hicks) but hailey is doing fine and i am NOT dilated or anything so thats good. i am in lots of pain my legs have me worried ( noth of my calves r discolored - redish brown- )the L&D was worried and ordered me in to check on my legs for blood clots but luckily couldnt find any. but they also couldnt tell me WHATS wrong with my legs.
i am now 31 weeks and one day shes kicking stronger and stronger ( i forgot HOW PAINFUL THOSE ''LIL'' KICKS CAN BE) my next follow up appointment is on the 9th so next week wednesday but i wont get an ultrasound done or anything which sucks ass. we do know thatr shes head down ( well she was a week ago but i wouldnt be a bit surprised is she flipped again lol)
we r getting really excited and can hardly wait for january/feb to get here
December 9th
i just got back from my 32 weeks check up
everything seems to be OK
i am measuring 33 weeks the babys heartrate was at 130 ( i thought it was on the lower side but my OBGYN said it was OK)
I've gained 2lbs since my last appointment at 28 weeks that makes a total weight gain of 20/22 pounds ( not too bad i think)
i asked her if ill start more frequently visits and she said as soon as i hit the 35 / 36 weeks woot now i have to call the ARMY Hospital and make my next appointment.
i am SO thrilled that everything is OK and that she will be here soon
December 28th
35 weeks pregnant
OK i am totally EXHAUSTED and SO not happy with my appointment today.
i was supposed to have my last ultrasound... then i was supposed to talk to a doc to set the day for my repeat C-section but i ended up being monitored 4 hours because i had contractions. they gave me an ''anti Vomit IV'' which made me had muscle spasms / trouble speaking and breathing and i had problems with my vision.
i did NOT get to see my lil one ( i havent had an ultrasound in 10 weeks, i didnt even get to talk to a doc about my C-section, ill have to call them back tomorrow to see if they do the C-section at 38 weeks ... i am so frustrated i am still having those muscle spasm and i feel like total CRAP.
My reg doc isnt going to be back until the 20th of January!!! SHE is supposed to do my C-section so that means i wont get checked again for another 3 weeks and then a week later would be the C-section already ( it would be the 26th of january.because it seems like they r totally refusing to do the c section on the 19th ... SO not happy about that)
I am having contractions and my nurse said that '' on the inside your cervix is closed long and thick'' but '' the outside is opened up'' ( whatever that means) she also said that since i am having contractions that the baby could come any day now but that she didnt think that its gonna happen.
This appointment was more confusing then exciting i am effing PISSED and all i wanna do is go to bed and cry
the only good thing is little miss H is doing GREAT everything normal and super active
January 11th
37 weeks check up
Good Morning / good Night ladies *giggle* i am about to get Ready for my appointment (its in 2 hours) i am slowly dialating ( DH said almost 2 Fingers - and His Fingers are pretty Big so my Fingers r crossed) when i checked myself à couple days ago i felt à lil "scab" on my cervix ill make sure my Doc Checks it ill update all of you As soon As possible ill also Upload New Belly pics in à Bit. ****update*** ugh I am only 1cm dialated, 25% effaced & the baby is at -3 so very high uterus is at 37cm so right on track. I gained 2pounds in 2 weeks ( a total of 26lbs - yuck) I am now at 152 next week Tuesday is my pre op appointment
January 19th
Hey Gals
i had my 38 weeks appointment today in Landstuhl
Uterus is measuring 37/38 weeks Haileys Heartbeat was in the 130's
my blood pressure was 105/68 ( thats pretty normal for me during pregnancy)
we talked about the Csection and we r having it on Tuesday the 26th of January 2010
at around 8 in the morning (that only if they dont have any emergencys) ill be in the hospital for 48 hours after the Csection. After Hailey is born ill get moved to L&D where hailey and i r gonna have our room for the time i have to stay at the hospital.
I had trouble figuring out that to do with bells... someone has to be with her during the Csection and since i want hubby to be in there with me, he cant take care of her... BUT we have the ''Perfect'' solution... My cousin Anne ( bells and haileys godmother) is gonna stay with us monday night and will come to the hospital with us Tuesday morning. shes gonna take care of bells while im in surgery
Monday the 25th ill have to go to L&D to get blood work done & we will find out what time we have to be at the hospital ect...
We r SO SO excited that soon we will be holding our beautiful baby girl cant wait for Tuesday I will have my Laptop/wireless internet with me and post pictures (or ill make hubby do it) as soon as possible
Januars 23rd
THREE days to go i am sooo ready for the 26th to get here. the last couple weeks went by sooooo slows *yuck*
the hospital bags are packed and i am slowly getting ready for the big day.
I will have my lap top /internet with me and post pictures as soon as possible i waqnted to thank you all for going thru this with me
January 26th
Well TODAY IS THE DAY .... its 3:07 am here in germany ill have to call L&D in about 2 hours to find out what time they want me to be there.... we had pretty bad snow storms so the docs might not be there right away so i might have to wait a lil longer then expected. I am feeling BLAH ... feel like throwing up and of cours im beat tired but cant sleep anymore.
me the day before i had the lil one :)
after a really really long night without any sleep i decided to post some pictures

Hailey marie was born yesterday the 26th at 8:34 am CET. L&D said she is 7lbs 11 oz BUT 12 hours later here at the Mommy and baby unit they said shes 7lbs 5 oz im a lil worried but the nurse said that she thinks that someone messed up her weigh doen at L&D because there is no way she could lose 6 oz in only 12 hours we will weigh her again tonight and hopefully she wont lose to much more

here she is