Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fruit salad

I am trying to get my kids to eat healthy snacks instead of all the sugar filled calorie bombs. 
So today after lunch i made them some DELICIOUS Fruit salad.

I cut up apples and Red Grapes this time... usually i add bananas to it as well its Divine!

My lil trying to get the last bit of yogurt

I used:
2 Red apples ( peeled and diced)
half a cup of red Grapes ( cut in half)
1 cup of Vanilla Yogurt ( i used activia since that was the only one i had at hand)

1 comment:

  1. Good idea :) Leonie and i have a new passion as well hehe. I always buy the whip cream ( FAT AND SUGAR free) and add one cup of stonyfield vanilla yogurt and then whatever fruits... strawberries, raspberries ( is what we use)
