Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas is around the corner

I am proud to announce that we got all our Christmas shopping done today :) {well for the girls anyway} we got then both each 5 gifts {which I think is plenty for them } we wanted to put up our tree but learned that the lights, and a few branches broke so tomorrow we have to look for a new {hopefully} cheap one! We also have to buy new ornaments {mental note to self: store your Christmas stuff how it's supposed to be stored don't just throw it in a tough box} well I'm excited about Christmas and I am already working on my menu :D that's it for tonight I am off to watch twilight breaking dawn with the hubby :D


  1. Awww, were done w.the boys also. Just need a few little things for Chloe. And I'm uber jealous your watching Breaking Dawn...I want to see it so bad.

  2. Now you will have less stress because you got it done early.
    Believe it or not i just watched Twilight for the first time the other day and now im waiting impatiently for netflix to get the other 2 in the mail lol.
